Friday, September 28, 2012

Topics Related to Digital System For seminars or Term paper

I have listed here some of the good topics which can you prefer as your reference for your knowledge or term paper submission or assignment from your college. Here each and every topics have some significant to our subject like Digital System or Electronics system or any electronics subjects.

Topics are as followed..  

TP on High performance computing using FPGA
32-bit ALU design using VHDL 
4 bit MIPS ALU
4 X 4 array multiplier
Algorithm for multiplication
Algorithm for state reduction
Algorithm for state reduction 
Algorithm of floating point multiplier
Algorithm of KMAP
Algoritm for state reduction
Architecture and classes of FPGA
Architecture of CPLD
Architecture of FPGA and CPLD
Architecture of FPGA array
Archtitecture of FPGA and XILINX overview
Archtitecture of PLD
Basic Architecture of FPGA
Comparision between Verilog and VHDL
comparison of cpld manufacture by different brands
CPLD architecture
Design and implementation of digital clock
Divison algorithm and hardware
FPGA Architecture
FPGA architecture & Actel FPGA
FPGA market survey advancement
FPGA programming technology
FPGA routing algorithm
High performance computing using FPGA
Higher order binary multiplier with improved speed
implemenation of 16 bit RISC on Spartan -3
Implemenation of 4-bit array multiplier on CPLD
Implemenation of 4-bit array multiplier onspartan
Implemenation of divider on CPLD
Market survey of FPGA advancement
Method to skip excitation tables for SR, JK, T - FF
Mulitiplication Alogritm and hardware
Multiplication Algorithm
PLD architectures
Review of Verilog
Shift and ADD multiplier
simple PLDS
state assingment of fsm using genetic algorithm
State reduction and assingment
synchronization in DSD
Tripych fapga archtiecture
Various K map Algorithm